Mon Health is a community of patients, staff, and volunteers all working together to treat, educate, and create awareness for a healthier life. As the fundraising arm for the hospital, the Foundation provides support for a variety of needs and is committed to helping people live their best lives.

Gratitude Giving
Gratitude Giving is a meaningful way to recognize the excellent care patients receive from Physicians, Nurses, or Staff during their time at a Mon Health System facility. It enables families to support important programs and services while recognizing caregivers that have a special connection to them. If you would like to express your gratitude for your care team, invest in them with a gift today.
Our Family Support Funds
These funds directly support people, are some of the most impactful, and can make the biggest difference in an individual’s life.

Caring Cottages
Mon Health is building a small format cottage community that is scalable to trend with volumes for patients and families who are in unfortunate times of stress and financial instability. This will allow for a “home away from home” for those going through treatment/procedures, but also families who are under great duress from a loved one’s hospitalization.

Patient Support Funds
Sudden or long-term illnesses can have a devastating effect on patients and their families, often creating emotional, physical, and financial stress. These funds were created to support our patients directly with items like gas cards, meals, hotel stays, medications, and other expenses during treatment.

Colleague Support Fund
While our colleagues work tirelessly to ensure your care remains exceptional, some of our staff are suffering personal hardships. The descriptions of the inability to pay utilities or childcare, food insecurities, and unfortunately even someone who lost their home, continue to haunt us each day. To help bridge the gap and allow them to get back on their feet, we created the Mon Health System Colleague Support Fund to assist our work families in critical financial need.
Our Programs
We are continually developing new ways to enhance your experience at Mon Health, keeping your community healthcare strong.

Mobile Nursing Lab
Through the generous support of our donors and a collaboration with West Virginia Junior College, Mon Health System is introducing the Ron and Stephanie Stovash Mobile Nursing Lab.
Designed to expand access to nursing education, this training lab is a highly customized RV containing simulation hospital rooms and mannequins. It provides both students and staff the opportunity to learn and practice in realistic situations, and by taking the classroom "on the road," we will reach far more individuals and deeper into our rural West Virginia communities.

Senior ER
Because the complexity of care increases with age, the Emergency Department at Mon Health Medical Center is making changes to tailor its care to better meet the needs of our aging population with the development of a Senior Emergency Department.
A Senior ER isn’t a place, but rather a program, with equipment, policies, protocols, and procedures, implemented by a team working together for senior friendly care. Our entire ER will include adjustments specifically designed to meet the unique needs of our older patients, and this program makes a visit to the Emergency Room a little easier for our seniors. You might even see a miniature pony...

Health Career Scholarships
The Health Career Scholarship Program was created in 1991 to promote careers in healthcare in fields with projected shortages in our service area. Since the establishment of the program, the Foundation has awarded nearly $1,000,000.

P3 - Progressing Through Postpartum Depression
Mon Health Family Birth Center’s Progressing Through Postpartum Depression program, or P3, is one of only 15 perinatal depression programs in the nation. It provides critical support to mothers and families coping with the stress that can sometimes become overwhelming after childbirth.
If you, or someone you know, may be suffering with postpartum issues, please contact Jennifer Bender at or 304-282-8511.

Wig and Bra Bank
The Wig Bank, once part of the Angel Fund, took on its own life and evolved to include not only wigs, hats and scarves for those who have lost their hair during cancer treatment, but now also supplies mastectomy bras.
The Wig and Bra Bank is open to anyone in the community in need of these items regardless of their treatment facility. If you, or someone you know, can benefit from the service, please contact Patricia Julian at or 304-285-2622
Our Greatest Needs

The Foundation utilizes unrestricted donations to the Greatest Needs Fund for unexpected expenses, including specialized equipment, upgrades to our facilities, and unique programs, all to provide you with the best care available. Those needs go across our system and touch each and every department. This fund is one of the most critical resources in providing quality services for our communities.
Each of our Mon Health facilities have urgent needs, and you can choose which facility you would like to support. Click below to donate to the facility of your choice now.