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Did you know?

Did you know that the simple act of selecting a primary care physician can help improve your overall health and reduce your risk of chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer?

Your primary care physician is the first line of defense in your medical care and usually the first to diagnose a health problem. A proactive approach to your health care is one of the most significant things you can do to live a longer, healthier life.

Mon Health offers a variety of
medical specialties in primary care.
  • Family medicine icon Family

    Doctors of Family Medicine provide continuing, comprehensive health care for individuals and family members of all ages.

    Treats a variety of illnesses and conditions: conducts health screenings and physical exams: and offers primary, wellness and preventive health care.

  • mon health family
  • older couple riding a scooter
  • internal medicine icon Internal Medicine

    Doctors of Internal Medicine, also knows as internists, deal with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of adult diseases (generally patients over the age of 18).

    Treats a variety of illnesses and conditions: conducts health screenings and physical exams: and offers primary, wellness and preventive health care.

  • pediatrics icon

    Doctors of Pediatric Medicine and Adolescent Medicine, or pediatricians, care for infants, children and teens.

    Provides annual physicals: makes sure immunizations are up-to-date; and evaluates your child's medical, developmental and social health.

  • child with stethoscope