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The Cardiopulmonary Department is available 7 days a week providing both in patient and outpatient services.

Inpatient services include:

  • Evaluation for oxygen and other respiratory therapies
  • Aerosol treatments – delivery of bronchodilators to reduce shortness of breath
  • Bronchial hygiene therapy – mobilization of secretions
  • BiPAP and CPAP therapy
  • Ventilatory support for respiratory distress or failure
  • Patient education and disease management


Outpatient services include:

Pulmonary Function Test – complete spirometry and diffusion testing with or without bronchodilation. Useful for patients with a history of asthma, COPD, coal miners, glass factory workers, or any patient with complaints of shortness of breath or other breathing difficulties. Yearly spirometry should be performed on patients with respiratory diagnoses.

Long Term Holter Monitor – This small device is worn for 72 hours, which continuously records the heart rhythm. This is useful for patients with arrhythmias, tachycardia, and bradycardia. The report compiles the total number of heartbeats, fastest and slowest rates and total number of each type of arrhythmia. This small device is attached to the chest with a large "band-aid" which means, no wires. *

Event Monitor – This is a small device that is worn for thirty days. The Event Monitor is recording at all times, if a patient has a symptom, they simply push a record button and the monitor captures a tracing for a period BEFORE and AFTER the button is pushed. It also records any abnormal beats automatically. This is especially useful for patients who are asymptomatic. This is a better choice for patients whose symptoms are sporadic and therefore may not have any during a Holter Monitor recording.

* It is also waterproof, the patient can bathe or swim

24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitor – A special blood pressure cuff is fitted for the patient that is attached to a recorder. The cuff inflates automatically at intervals which can be programmed during setup. This is useful for managing: white-coat hypertension, resistant hypertension, efficiency of anti-hypertensive drug therapy, nocturnal hypertension, episodic hypertension, and hypotension symptoms.

Nocturnal Pulse Oximetry Studies – The patient takes home a Pulse Oximeter and probe to wear during the night. This is useful to record nocturnal desaturations, qualify or requalify patients for home oxygen and also a useful preliminary screening tool for sleep apnea.

To inquire more information please contact Joyce Phillips, Manager, at (304) 265-7341.

Fax (304) 265-0693


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