Sleep Center

Understanding sleep disorders:
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder. The airway becomes blocked by the tongue, excess tissue, or relaxed throat muscles. Breathing usually stops for 10 to 90 seconds, and a reduction in blood oxygen levels can occur. The body struggles for air, briefly waking the sleeper before breathing begins again. This process can repeat itself hundreds of times during the night but the sleeper may not even remember it.
Signs of sleep apnea include loud snoring followed by a breathless pause– ending with a snort or gasp, restless movements, morning headache, impotency, decreased ability to concentrate, memory loss and daytime sleepiness.
Risks of sleep apnea are irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. In addition, the daytime sleepiness can cause loss of productivity and car accidents.
Depending on the severity of the apnea, treatment may include:
- Nasal CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. During sleep, air flows from a machine into a mask placed over the nose. The air pressure keeps the airway open, preventing apnea and frequent awakening.
- Weight loss – even a small loss may make a difference and reduce CPAP requirements.
- Sleeping on your side to keep the airway open.
- Dental appliances to keep the tongue from obstructing your airway.
- Medications to stimulate breathing.
- Surgery to widen the airway and prevent obstruction.
Narcolepsy is caused by a nervous system disorder involving the REM phase of sleep. The person may experience an irresistible urge to doze on and off during the day. Other symptoms include: hallucinations just before or after sleep, muscle weakness, or inability to move for several minutes after waking up. A daytime study can confirm narcolepsy. Treatment can include daytime nap, medication, and good sleep hygiene.
Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep night after night or waking earlier than you would like. Insomnia is often accepted as a normal part of life; however, it can have devastating effects on careers and personal lives.
Restless Leg Syndrome
Legs thrash or move during sleep, muscle ache upon wakening, and there is a drawing or restless sensation in the legs. Treatment includes good sleep hygiene, exercise, and avoiding caffeine and other stimulants.
How can I get help?
If your sleep has been disturbed or if it interferes with the way you function during the day, your healthcare provider may request a sleep study. Depending upon results of the initial sleep study, other tests may be performed. Your condition may require a home sleep study or in lab sleep study.
What happens at the Sleep Lab?
Your sleep patterns will be monitored and recorded in one of
Preston Memorial Sleep Center (located in Reedsville) private recording rooms. Before going to bed, a technician will place dime size sensors at various sites on your body to record brain waves, muscle activity, leg and arm movements, heart rhythms, breathing patterns, oxygen levels and other body functions during sleep. These monitoring devices cause little discomfort and will not hamper movements during the night. The test results will be reviewed by a physician specializing in sleep medicine and recommendations regarding treatment will be made.
If a sleep disorder is diagnosed, it can usually be treated effectively. The team of specialists at the Sleep Disorder Laboratory will evaluate the results of your studies and will make recommendations for treatment. Treatment may include medication, changes in daily habits or work schedules, or a simple nasal mask to relieve snoring and upper-airway obstruction. You may be asked to schedule a follow-up visit to check you progress, but your family primary care provider will manage long-term treatment of your sleep disorder.
Tips for a Better Night's Sleep
- Lie down intending to go to sleep only when sleepy.
- Avoid reading, watching television or worrying about day-to-day matters.
- If you can’t fall asleep after 15 minutes, get up and do something for half an hour.
- Set a regular time for waking. This strengthens the internal biological clock and leads to regular times of sleep.
- Regular exercises deepens sleep and is a good way to reduce stress.
- Keep your bedroom cooler, darker and quieter than other rooms in your house.
- A light snack may help induce sleep.
- Avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine before going to bed.
- Don’t watch the clock at night. Place in out of view so you don’t focus on the time.
Medical Director: Khaldoun, Mozahem, MD
Contact Information:
Kendra Wheeler, Manager
Appointments by referral only: 304-864-2290
Fax: 304-864-2299
Physical Address
12302 Veterans Memorial Highway
Reedsville, WV 26547