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Cardiopulmonary Testing

Preston Memorial Hospital provides services that include:                                                          

  • Pulmonary Function Studies                                                                                                                                           
    -Diffusion Studies (DLCO)
    -Lung Volume Tests
    -Methacholine Challenge Testing
  • Arterial Blood Gasses 
  • Cardiac Holter, Event Monitors, and MCOT Monitors
  • Cardiac Stress Testing
  • EEG Testing
  • EKG  
  • Federal Black Lung Program
  • Oxygen Titration Study
  • Pulse Oximetry
  • Sleep Disorders Diagnostic Studies
  • Six Min Walk Testing

How do I get my test results?

Results are available after the completion of the report. It is sent to your ordering provider, where the results will be sent to you within 5-7 business days. We are not permitted to give results. The results are not available in your patient portal. Please contact your ordering provider if you have any questions. 

Contact Information:

Kendra Wheeler, Cardiopulmonary and Sleep Manager

Appointments by referral only:
304-329-1400 x3740

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