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Mon Health Hospitals Earn National Recognition for Promoting Organ, Eye, and Tissue Donation

Posted Date: 1/4/2022
Mon Health Hospitals have earned national recognition for their efforts to increase organ, eye, and tissue donor registrations across the state through the Workplace Partnership for Life (WPFL). The WPFL is a national initiative that unites the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and the organ donation community with workplaces across the nation in spreading the word about the importance of donation.

The WPFL Hospital Organ Donation Campaign challenges hospitals and healthcare organizations to “let life bloom” by educating their staff, patients, visitors, and communities about the critical need for organ, eye, and tissue donation, including offering opportunities to register as organ donors. Four Mon Health Hospitals earned recognition for conducting awareness and registry activities between October 2020 and April 2021, and for responding to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and navigating those changes and challenges. 

Mon Health Preston Memorial Hospital earned Platinum Recognition, the highest level of distinction for 2021. Grafton City Hospital, Mon Health Medical Center, and Mon Health Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital all earned Silver.  

These hospitals were 4 of 1,657 organizations to participate in the 2021 campaign.

See the full list of hospitals recognized.

“We are proud to support CORE’s mission to promote organ, eye, and tissue donation,” said Michelle Stanton, BSN, RN, Director of Quality at Mon Health Preston Memorial Hospital. “With so many people awaiting life-saving organs, it is critical for Preston Memorial Hospital to do our part by raising awareness and educating our community. Our physicians, nurses, and staff realize the positive impact that organ donation can have on both recipients as well as a donor’s family.” 

Mon Health Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital Chief Administrative Officer Kevin Stalnaker was pleased with the honor as well and noted, “CORE is a vital organization in the continued healthcare continuum in our region and state. The ability to offer lifesaving transplants extends life for individuals and families. Participating as an organ donor is one of the greatest gifts a person could potentially give to a patient on a waiting list. Many thanks to all donors and their families for participating in this wonderful program.”

“We are a proud participant in CORE’s mission. It is vital that we continue to educate the community at large about the importance of eye, organ, and tissue donation. We are truly humbled by all those donors who registered this year, and we are excited to continue our outreach.” Jamie McLaughlin, Sr. Director of Critical Care at Mon Health Medical Center said. 

“Organ donation is truly the most remarkable, selfless act a person can undertake. I’m proud to be an organ donor and am proud to be a part of a hospital that advocates for such a critical and needed initiative,” Kevin Gessler, Chief Administrative Officer of Grafton City Hospital, said. 

The 2021 Hospital Campaign efforts added 27,386 registrations to state registries, including registrations from Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Since its inception in 2011, the campaign has generated 579,412 registrations as well as united donation advocates at hospitals with representatives from their local organ procurement organizations, Donate Life America affiliates, and state and regional hospital associations. Mon Health Hospitals worked with the Center for Organ Recovery and Education (CORE) and the West Virginia Hospital Association (WVHA) to leverage its outreach efforts. 

Every ten minutes, another person is added to the organ transplant waiting list, reaffirming the critical and growing need for registered organ, eye, and tissue donors. For more information about the WPFL Hospital Organ Donation Campaign, visit www.organdonor.gov/hospitals. Visit Donate Life West Virginia to sign up as a donor today.
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