About the Birth Center

At the Mon Health Family Birth Center, we take a unique approach to making your special delivery a memorable, safe and comfortable experience.
New parents often tell us that our private birthing suites are like top-tier hotel rooms. Wood cabinets and paintings hide medical supplies, and the hardwood floors and contemporary décor create a bedroom-like atmosphere. Some suites also feature whirlpool tubs, providing mothers an opportunity to relax before giving birth.
Your private birthing suite is your home away from home from the moment you arrive until you leave the hospital with your newborn*. Our Birth Center is designed under the Labor, Delivery, Recovery and Postpartum (LDRP) concept, in which a woman having a routine labor and delivery and her newborn remain in the same room throughout their stay.
Of course, we’d never forget the rest of the family. We know that the birth of your baby is a special time for parents, siblings and family members. That’s why each suite is equipped to accommodate an additional overnight guest.
There is a dedicated C-Section Operating Suite in the Birth Center specifically for unplanned or emergency C-section births. This increases patient safety, since the mother-to-be does not have to leave the Birth Center for treatment in a regular operating room on a different floor.
Our on-call pediatricians will visit your baby following delivery. We also have a close relationship with the West Virginia University Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
As always, safety is a top priority. Located on the 5th Floor of the hospital, our Birth Center is a locked unit. That means no one can get to you or your baby without your permission and your security code.
At Mon Health, we provide educational classes to help prepare you to welcome a newborn into your life. We teach coping tools for dealing with late pregnancy, labor, delivery, breastfeeding and the early postpartum period.