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Pastoral/Spiritual Care

The role of spirituality is an important part of holistic care at Mon Health Spirituality is not limited to beliefs or membership in a religious community. Rather, it deals with our human need for meaning and a sense of being valued and cared for. Everyone's religious and/or spiritual values are unique. Our pastoral and spiritual care staff appreciate diversity and respect individual beliefs and differences.


The goal of our Pastoral and Spiritual Care Department is to engage the spiritual dimension of people-their beliefs, faith, culture, values, and religious practices-for healing, coping, well-being and growth. Pastoral and spiritual care is available to patients, their families, and our health care staff. The Coordinator of Pastoral and Spiritual Care is usually in the hospital eight hours per day on weekdays, but spiritual care may be available seven days per week, 24 hours per day utilizing volunteer Spiritual Care Partners, community clergy and spiritual care providers, and is available regardless of religious affiliation. These services are available at no charge.


  • sharing feelings, including anger, hope, fear, joy and/or sorrow
  • talking about the meaning of life and/or the experience of dying
  • praying, meditating, or reading scripture and inspirational writings
  • discussing religious beliefs and concerns
  • searching for inner peace
  • reviewing one's life by sharing stories and talking about important relationships
  • reflecting on one's relationship with God
  • participating in ritual or receiving sacraments
  • wondering, "Why is this happening? What does this mean?"
  • seeking forgiveness or trying to reconcile relationships
  • support when making difficult decisions


The Pastoral and Spiritual Care Department at Mon Health Medical Center recognizes and celebrates the wide diversity of backgrounds and beliefs that our patients, families, and staff possess. We maintain resources and consultants from major faith groups, such as Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian (Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant), Earth-Based, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Native American and Unitarian Universalist. We seek to be accepting, supportive, understanding and respectful of individual and cultural differences. You are welcome at Mon Health.


A quiet room has been set aside for meditation and reflection. It is located on the main floor of the hospital, off the lobby near the Terrace Cafe, and is open 24 hours each day.


The Gideons International have donated copies of the Holy Bible, including the Old and New Testaments, to the hospital. A copy should be present in the bedside table in each room. Let us know if it is missing, and we can replace it. We also have other resources available, including The Book of Mormon, The Holy Qur'an, The Bhagavad-Gita, the Tanakh and selected writings of Bahaullah. Please contact the Pastoral and Spiritual Care Department for a copy to use during your stay, or to inquire about other available resources.


At Mon Health, your privacy is important to us. The same photo ID badges worn by other hospital personnel identify our pastoral and spiritual care staff. Our staff will respect your unique religious and spiritual values.


We can notify your faith community or spiritual leader about your hospitalization. Or, if you desire a visit from the Pastoral and Spiritual Care staff, these arrangements can be made by:
  • your nurse
  • your physician, or
  • the Pastoral and Spiritual Care office at extension 1952 (304-598-1952)

Kathy Kerzak, Pastoral Care Coordinator


Oh God, whose caring and love surround me in the time of need, I am uneasy in unfamiliar surroundings, anxious about my health and welfare, uncertain about tomorrow, and troubled by the interruptions of relationships with those I love. Grant me strength to face what lies ahead. Help me to be more sensitive to what is important in life. Help me to be thankful for each day as a gift from you. Lead me to understand my need for others and to know that your love and truth are sufficient for all things. Amen.

This is another day, Oh God, and I know not what it will bring forth. Make me ready for whatever it may be. If I am to stand up, help me to stand bravely. If I am to sit still, help me to sit quietly. If I am to lie low, help me to do it patiently. And, if I am to do nothing, let me do it gallantly. Make these words more than words, and give me your aid. Amen.

Compassionate God; bless this hospital and its work. To those who serve, give wisdom and skill, tenderness and strength. To those who are ill, give patience and courage and the assurance that you desire health and wholeness for all. Grant that in every hour of trial we may know that you are near, and help us put our trust in your love. Amen.
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