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Mon Health Medical Center offers state-of-the-art MRI, which uses a magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed, cross-sectional images that physicians use to diagnose a wide range of conditions. 

The Siemens MAGNETOM Aera 1.5T MRI offers cardiac, breast, prostate, abdominal, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and peripheral runoff (blood) vessels imaging. The wide bore (donut-shaped tube) in which patients lie during the imaging process is not as tight as some MRI machines, reducing claustrophobia concerns.

The MRI is in use from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. on weekends. 

An MRI can be used on just about any area of the body. While a CT scan—which uses X-rays—is ideal for viewing bones. MRIs provide high-quality images of soft tissue, ligaments, tendons, musculoskeletal structures, arterial structures and the brain.
Mon Health's MRI is accredited by the American College of Radiology.

Important precaution - Because the MRI magnet is always turned on and creates an extremely strong magnetic field, any metal object brought into the room may turn into a dangerous projectile. Therefore, the MRI and its control room can only be accessed by authorized personnel, and patients are carefully screened before entering. 

Read all of the instructions below very carefully before arriving for your MRI.

You may not be able to have an MRI if ...
  • You have implants such as aneurysm clips, neurostimulators, intraocular implants, and cochlear implants.
  • You have any other type of surgical clips or implants, call (304) 598-1280 and ask to speak to an MRI technologist to discuss whether you can have an MRI.
  • Some tattoos contain metal, so if you have any tattoos, be sure to alert the MRI technologist before entering the MRI.

Bring with you when you come for your MRI:
  • Complete list of medications you are currently taking – name and dosage of each medication, and when you take it.
  • Implant cards or information on any surgical implants you may have – such as cardiac, abdominal, or other stents, or any implants. (It is not necessary to provide information on orthopedic screws, pins, or plates.)
  • Written physician’s order for the test

On the day of your MRI:
  • Wear comfortable clothing with no metal. Remove all coins, keys, and other objects from your pockets.
  • Remove all earrings and other piercings (including face, body, and dermal) before coming to the hospital. If you arrive at the hospital with piercings that you cannot remove, your MRI will be canceled and not rescheduled until you have the piercing removed.
  • Remove colored contact lenses.
  • Come in through the main entrance of Mon Health Medical Center and check in at the Radiology Services registration desk, down the hallway to the right of the main lobby.

Before your exam:
  • After registration, you will be asked to complete a screening questionnaire and to answer screening questions.
  • Devices that cannot be brought into the MRI scan room include hearing aids, portable oxygen tanks, cleaning equipment, and any and all metal objects.
  • Before entering the MRI suite, you will be asked to step into a ferromagnetic scanner, which sounds an alarm if it detects any metal on a person.

During the exam:
  • During your MRI, you will lie flat on a table that will move left to right, and in and out of the scanner. The exam takes approximately one hour.
  • Reminder – If you have questions or concerns before, during, or after your procedure, call us at (304) 598-1280, or ask the nurse or technologist. We need your input, questions, and concerns to provide you with the best care, so please speak up!

Scheduled for an MRI? Please complete our Patient History Questionnaire.
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