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Mon Health Aligns with West Virginia Hospital Association to Require COVID-19 Vaccine for Staff

Posted Date: 8/23/2021
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Mon Health is committed to making our hospitals and facilities safer for every patient, visitor, and staff member. Aligned with The West Virginia Hospital Association, WVU Medicine, Charleston Area Medical Center and many hospitals across the state and nation, Mon Health facilities will require COVID-19 vaccinations for employees, like we do annually with influenza vaccinations, with exceptions only for medical and religious reasons.

West Virginia hospitals have seen first-hand the heartbreak COVID-19 has caused for the people in our communities. Today, the U.S Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine, Pfizer-BioNTech for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. With the Delta variant on the rise, the approval of this vaccine is a milestone as we continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure the safety of our community.

“Since the beginning of this unprecedented health crisis in our community, Mon Health has put the safety of patients, caregivers and the community at the forefront of our pandemic response strategy,” said Krystal Atkinson, Chief Nursing Executive of Mon Health. “We believe this is a necessary step in prioritizing team member and patient safety, which align with our core values.”

Physicians, nurses, and hospitals’ clinical leaders are confident in both the science and safety behind the vaccine, with individual and community benefits strongly outweighing the minimal side effects. More vaccinations mean a lowered chance of transmission, especially for those who are vulnerable and unable to get vaccinated.

“Extensive data show vaccines are safe and effective, and we have a responsibility as a healthcare entity to provide a safe environment to protect our patients, employees and community and serve as a leader in the fight against COVID-19,” Dr. Archana Vasudevan, Infectious Disease Physician at Mon Health said.

Hospital employee and staff vaccinations will maintain the long-term ability of our healthcare system to respond to the pandemic, to safely care for our patients by protecting them from infection and to mitigate the impact of the virus within healthcare facilities and among patients, hospital personnel, and their families and friends.

“It’s essential for Mon Health along with other West Virginia hospitals and health systems to lead in this critical mission to increase vaccination rates in our state,” said David Goldberg, President and CEO of Mon Health. “We encourage all West Virginians to receive the vaccine to help us reduce COVID-19 transmission rates and protect our families, friends, and neighbors.”

To learn more about the COVID-19 Vaccine and receive yours today, please visit MonHealth.com/COVID-19.
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