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Mon Health Medical Center Utilizing Video Monitoring on COVID-19 Unit

Posted Date: 4/16/2020

Mon Health Medical Center is utilizing video monitoring to provide around the clock care for patients on its designated COVID-19 Unit, while protecting clinical staff.

Consent must be obtained from the patient, caregiver or patient power of attorney before care is provided using video monitoring methods. Video consent is given without any contact with clinical staff to prevent further spread of illness.

“When we started to cohort COVID-19 patients, we soon realized we needed a way to not only monitor patient vital signs from outside the room, but needed to see the patient without having staff enter the room as often,” explained Beth Anderson-Lenkey, Director of 6 North Medicine Unit.

Collaborations were made with IT to ensure each patient room on the unit had video monitoring capabilities. This unit is isolated from all other patients to limit risk and further prevent exposure.

“Luckily, we were able to connect all rooms to monitor each patient providing consent on the unit,” Anderson-Lenkey said. “All of the cameras are synced with monitors in the nurse’s station, allowing clinical staff to view all patients at once.”

Anderson-Lenkey noted that coronavirus patients may have a rapid change in status, requiring immediate medical attention. Currently, video capabilities are being used to monitor the vital signs of each patient. Video monitoring also enables clinical staff to clearly view any signs of distress displayed by patients on the unit.

“As always, safety is a top priority for us,” commented Mark Gilliam, Mon Health Medical Center Chief Administrative Officer. “Implementing video monitoring ensures the safety of our patients and staff.”

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