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New Therapies Available for COVID-19 Patients at Mon Health System

Posted Date: 9/16/2021
Mon Health System is dedicated to making adifference in the health of the communities they serve. This has been exemplified throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The System offers on-site COVID-19 testing at each of their hospitals and on-site COVID-19 vaccinations at each of their hospitals and primary care clinics. As such, the hospital is taking the next step in the pandemic fight by offering the latest treatment for COVID-19 patients. Staff are using a variety of new therapies including monoclonal antibody infusions.

The combination of Casirivimab/Imdevimab is currently being used and is effective against the Delta variant in neutralizing the amount of COVID-19 in the patient’s body and helping the immune system fight the virus in an outpatient setting. Ideally this treatment is given within 10 days of onset of symptoms and can lead to quicker recovery time for the patient the sooner it is given.

Certain criteria must be met to be given to a patient. Typically, this is reviewed by the patient’s primary care provider, an infectious disease provider, or an ER physician. Those patients who are considered high-risk for severe illness will be considered for treatment. It is administered as a 20-minute infusion, then the patient will be monitored for 60 more minutes after the infusion for any type of reaction to the infusion, which is a low occurrence.

Mon Health Medical Center Director of Pharmacy Kathy Miller noted, "The current monoclonal antibodies prescribed through IV infusion are effective against the Delta variant. Our Infectious Disease prescribers are ensuring that the patients with the highest risk are able to receive the therapy, and we do believe it is keeping patients from requiring hospitalization."

Patients with a positive diagnosis of COVID-19 with one mild or moderate symptom, who are 65 years and older can qualify for the medication within 10 days of being tested. Patients between 12 and 64 can qualify if they have a condition that meets the criteria. Patients should work with their medical provider to understand options.

“We are seeing our targeted, high-risk patients respond very well to the monoclonal antibody infusions. Monoclonal antibodies reduce the risk of severe COVID-19 disease and further reduce hospitalizations and ER visits provided they are administered early,” Dr. Archana Vasudevan, Infectious Disease Physician at Mon Health said.

To schedule your COVID-19 vaccine at Mon Health, please visit MonHealth.com/Coronavirus.

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