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Mon Health Medical Center Hosts Tree Planting for Infant Loss Awareness

Posted Date: 10/24/2023
Mon Health teams gathered to host a tree planting outside of the Obstetrics and Gynecology clinic for October’s Pregnancy, Infant, and Child Loss Awareness Month.

Mon Health Medical Center staff, OB/GYN providers, and Progressing through Postpartum Program (P3) staff were in attendance, along with members from P3’s loss support group.

“Working in labor and delivery for many years, I have been with more than one family that was delivering their precious baby that would not cry, and would be still and perfect. It is an honor to be with them, yet the hardest thing I have experienced,” said Jennifer Bender, Lead Nurse Navigator for the P3 Program. “Thank you to those who joined for remembering our children. We will never forget them. They are loved beyond measure and missed every day.”

In the United States, nearly 21,000 babies are stillborn every year, and it is estimated that as many as 26% percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage.

Mon Health’s P3 Program is the first and only of its kind in West Virginia. With a dedication to prenatal and postpartum care, the program has various offerings focusing on mental health. The P3 team holds a Pregnancy and Infant Loss support group every Thursday at 6PM via Zoom for mothers and families who have experienced loss. The group is open to anyone who has experienced a loss of a pregnancy, stillborn, or child. 

“In October of 2020, I received a message from a brave Mom who was seeking support in the hardest experience of her life. I am proud to say, she started our Loss support group,” said Jennifer. “This group has reminded me how hard life can be, and that we all need support.”

To join the support group, call or message Jennifer Bender at (304) 282-8511, or Lora McDonald, Perinatal Social Worker, at (304) 216-2222. For more information on the P3 Program, visit www.MonHealth.com/OBGYN.
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