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Mon Health EMS partners with public schools to provide Stop the Bleed training

Posted Date: 10/19/2018
Mon Health EMS has partnered with public schools in Monongalia and Preston counties to offer training for its Stop the Bleed initiative.

Stop the Bleed is a nationwide program of the American College of Surgeons, the Committee on Trauma, the Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care, the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians and the Hartford Consensus with the purpose of training the public to provide a vital initial response to stop uncontrolled bleeding in emergency situations. The program was established following the 2012 tragedy in Sandy Hook and other mass-casualty tragedies that have occurred over the years. The resulting injuries from these events can present severe bleeding which, if left unattended, can result in death.

Through this initiative, Mon Health EMS staff has been providing training to public school nurses and staff in Monongalia and Preston counties. Instruction includes preparing staff to properly treat an open wound, cut or laceration to a student, teacher or faculty member.

"We hope nurses and teachers never have to use the training we're providing, but properly teaching how to respond to a bleed can potentially save a student, teacher or staff member from bleeding out," said Patrick Cornell, special ops supervisor for Mon Health EMS. "The collaboration between Mon Health EMS, the school boards and the schools from each county on this initiative will greatly benefit students and staff."

Along with the training, Mon Health EMS will provide Stop the Bleed kits to all public schools in the counties. The kits include combat gauze, gloves, a tourniquet, and other first aid items. The Mon Health Medical Center Foundation paid $30,000 for the kits.

"The Stop the Bleed program is a great program," said Adam Henkins, director of safe, supportive schools & athletics with Monongalia County Schools. "We are grateful to have Mon Health provide us with the training and the supplies to make this program work. We are very fortunate that we have resources like Mon Health in our community and that they want to make a difference in our schools. If it helps save one person, then it is well worth the time and money."
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